Leverage the power of AI-enabled teaching assistants, to deliver effective teaching and learning experiences.

Transcribing Audio to Text: Enhancing Lecture Documentation for students and learners.

Our system is designed to enhance the academic experience by simplifying the creation of comprehensive written records of lectures. It goes beyond simple transcription, offering the ability to:

  • Identify and extract vital keywords, topics, and segments.
  • Emphasize key questions and announcements.
  • Provide relevant examples that enhance learning.

With our system, you can unlock a deeper level of engagement and understanding in your academic journey.

The Applied AI/ML Components built as part of this system were:

Transcription Service: Transforming Audio into Comprehensive Lecture Records.

Summary Creation: Crafting a concise overview that simplifies the lecture’s primary concepts and key highlights.

Keyword Extraction: Recognizing and retrieving crucial keywords from the lecture.

Topic Identification: Discerning and extracting significant topics from the lecture.

Significant Segments: Identifying and extracting essential sections from the lecture, aiding students in concentrating on critical content.

Focus of Inquiry: Identification and Emphasis on the Questions Addressed in the Lecture to Facilitate a Comprehensive Review of Key Inquiries for Students.

Announcement Extraction: Retrieve crucial announcements from the lectures to ensure students grasp the most important updates.

Illustrative Examples: Extracting vital instances from the lecture to help students stay informed about essential updates.


System Architecture

Technology that we use
